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Cook, Eat, Travel, Play and Designing Spaces for Kids is Happiness and What I Do Best!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Birthday Weekend!

Not much new or exciting to blog about..but, then again that's ok..calm is..well, calm. Kind of like it. I'm back to working on my design stuff. Need a kids room designed?

Danny is still feeling bla...but, knowing no more treatments is a huge weight off his shoulders.

The kids have been busy with their studies and things here..looking forward to Spring and warmer weather. Ready to be out and about. MacKenzie is so excited for her birthday weekend!! Baking, movies and playing :-)

Noah is getting so big, he changes everyday. He loves to "talk"!!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Getting ready for Macks birthday this week! She wanted Danny to be done with treatments by her birthday...she gets her wish :-) yay!! Tomorrow is last treatment for Danny! Then a couple weeks of tests...so please continue your prayers.

I am so thankful to everyone who has prayed and supported us. So thankful. I have so much running through my mind..and I'll put it in words soon...if I can.

Noah turned over last night...he did it in his sleep...so might take him a week to do it on purpose, LOL. He is the happiest baby!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Noah 13 weeks!

Woke up feeling a little stuffy and bla...that's what I get for feeling so smug about keeping us all healthy through this with Danny.

I think we all are starting to feel a little "re-newed"...looking forward to his last treatment..(you know what I mean). It's been so long since our "normal" was...well..normal.

We appreciate everyones support and prayers through this...would love to hear from everyone who reads this..email or leave a message here. Thank you, thank you!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

so close

Ohhhh, only one more left!! Wooooo hooooo! Danny had his 11th treatment yesterday. Watching Danny go through this has been so hard..can't even describe it. Please continue to pray for him, all of us.

Noah is doing great, he'll be 13 weeks tomorrow! He's such a great baby!! We've been very busy, homeschooling, job hunting nothing really new (sorry to bore you:-)just looking forward to Spring!