Rented Whimpy Kid movie last night..very funny, nice to laugh. This morning, hanging out with Danny and the kids. Discussed baby names this morning over pancake breakfast..thankful to have something fun to discuss. Although, some of the names were not, we don't want to name the baby Quinny the Pooh...(MacKenzie's idea)
Working on the house today...leaky faucet..stuff like that. Bike ride later..gotta look at my bike breaks...desperately need a new bike..that of course will have to wait. They go to Notre Dame all the time..I usually just don't go.
Danny and I are doing good with our thoughts and attitude, while the questions of next week loom over us. Wish it was just a bad dream and I'd wake up. We'll just take it piece by piece and get through it. Please continue to pray....ALOT. Perhaps post our name on your not to forget you know. ;-) We can feel them.
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